Categories for Random Posts

Get The Maxx For the Minimum

Here a couple things to check out:  When the family plan got text messaging, Austin txt-ed as much as he could to prove that the family needed to have the unlimited plan.  But he was nowhere near 14,528 texties.  The Onion, that always has a bit of truth/commentary to their stories, wonders whether T.J. Maxx has been hit hard by the recession.  Come and see the mind’s eye work as a game for Mattel.  Fucking jedi mind shit.   See a neat video about people making soccer shoes for players.  I wonder if they have a video for the kids that make regular people’s shoes.  Finally, here are some hilarious ads like the one at the top of the post.  Via NotCot and PopCandy.


Let’s go out to the lobby and have ourselves a treat.

I found a pretty funny article (and by found I mean religiously read this site) about how some of the best movies of all time almost became the next (insert reference to blockbuster bomb here, i.e. Pluto Nash, The Day The Earth Stood Still, and any Kevin Costner movie after Robin Hood). Well any way I think I used up my parenthesis quota for the day so check out the article.


I drew a line, I drew a line for you…

Via Gizmodo, You ever wonder how they do the yellow first down lines on the fields of football games?  Well heres a video that explains it.  I’ve watched it twice and still am confused, but its still cool.

Sports Videos, News, Blogs


I took a while to figure out what NSFW meant.  It took accidentally watching a few videos that were Not Safe For Work to realize how important those warnings were.   I think this still a little racy, but still funny.  Check it out here. Via BerkeleyPlace.


Man Babies

Procrastination \prə-ˈkras-tə-ˌnāt, prō-\  : creating three posts, including an inspiration from Tom to create a submission to, on the thebruceblog to get out of doing actual work that needs to get done.
