Categories for Television


Kevin! D! You loved Smallville so much. You ready for this?

Via Awesomer.



With the expectation of Park & Rec getting cancelled and actual cancellation of Community, what is there to look forward to?  Is anyone excited about the new Gotham show about Batman but not with Batman? Kind of the same reason the Star Wars prequels sucked, right Patton?  I was very excited when I heard John Mulaney had a show coming out; I really hope it is better than this trailer:


Broad City

I don’t know why all my stories go on break and show reruns at the same time, but I don’t like it because it usually involves me finding another show that I will end up watching every week of. The one that I have just found is called Broad City on Comedy Central. It is not the best description, but it is a combination of It’s Always Sunny and Girls. That might sound awful to you, but give it a try. Hannibal Buress is on the show, if that sweetens the deal.
I would recommend starting with the third episode, Working Girls, probably the best of the three available on Hulu now.
