
Waddling Around!


Those Darlins are coming back to Chicago.  Normally I would say, “hey, there an awesome band, but I just saw them,”  but not this time.  They are opening up for the amazing King Kahn and BBQ Show.  Tickets are $15 and its at the Logan Square Auditorium on Dec 2.  Who’s in?  Norah, you’re back in town, right?

Not interested? How about this then?


Show me your genitals

So in case you haven’t yet caught the Fantasy Football fever or if you immediatley turn the t.v. off after It’s alway’s sunny, The League is a pretty funny show. This is Jon Lajoie, one of the cast members, his song in the first episode to a 5 year old about the night she was conceived was classic. This is just a taste of his stuff. BTW (by the way for the lay person) Youtube is being a wang about embedding so here is the link.




I don’t have anything great to put up, so here are a couple things; hopefully you like at least one of them.

I usually only do one Neil pic a post, but when I added the “Party In The USA,” I couldn’t help myself.  After the jump…



I don’t Care…

Julian Casablancas apparently doesn’t care what the calendar says, cause he put on his myspace a cover of the SNL song “I wish it were Christmas Today.” Stereogum adequately described it as sounding like an early Strokes b-side. Yup, that goofy song Horatio Sans, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Kattan and Tracy Morgan did a couple years ago that was Neil and Austin’s favorite for so many years. Julian probably does care about getting as much press as he can for the solo album released two days ago, which is most likely the reason for the release. And if you want to listen the rest of the album, its streaming in it’s entirety on his myspace also.
