About Us

So why the balls is it called “the bruce blog”?….. Who is “The Bruce”, you ask?   Well I’ll tell you….Long, long ago (circa 2k4) in a land far away (Milwaukee) there was a group friends, a group of friends with a dream.  A dream that, inspite of all their hard work and effort (heavy drinking and conspiring against each other), never came true.  That dream was named The Bruce (derived from Brice and The Duece).  The Bruce was to be the love child of two of the shortest, most irish, hilarious and magnificent people in the land.  The Bruce was to be the offspring of just two and the joy of many.  Unfortunately not every fantastic drunken dream comes true.

This blog also happens to be one of those fantastic ideas that no one ever really expected to happen. The blog is a testament that although The Bruce has yet to become a reality, some dreams DO come true. So it is named in the spirit of The Bruce. The Bruce would have brought great joy, laughter and (bud)light to the world and that is what this blog hopes to do. In just a very small way theBRUCEBLOG hopes to keep alive the spirit of The Bruce.

Please post early and often!
