
Childish Gambino


One of the only good things about the end of summer and beginning of fall is the excitement over the new TV.  It liked that Donald Glover from Community was staying active with his new popularity by making a movie with his college comedy group, even though I didn’t like the movie.  I am surprised/confused/entertained by him releasing a rap album.  He goes by the name Childish Gambino; the songs are not all funny but not completely serious either.  Check out his single(?) at Pretty Much Amazing or you can download his whole album at his website.



Laaaaabor day! Things are working out as they should, Illini football sucks, Notre Dame is looking good (my bitterness has passed), and I am yet to put pants on. Regardless, heres some stuff I’ve had for a while, but just never got to posting.

So the Harvard Sailing Team added a “Boys will be Girls” sequel, and both the guys and gals are in this. I’m gonna be bold and say that the girls are funnier this time.

So my job down here at school was at the law building last year, taking orders and cleaning and such. I wouldn’t call it a promotion, but now i put the condiments on sandwiches at the catering truck. In the words of KanYe, “This week he’s moppin’ floors, next week it’s the fries. So, stick by his side” But seriously the food is fantastic. Even after frying at least 200 fish in a very unforgiving deep fryer for 2 hours the past 2 Fridays, I still very much enjoyed my fish sandwich. I’m told the next step up is grilling, and I just happened to Stumble upon this here link, ya know, just in time for labor day cookouts.

As if i needed a reason to love Bill Murray any more than I did before, No One Will Ever Believe You is that reason. Obviously some stories are weird/not true/long winded, but the first one on the page about the sandwich is easily one of the most awesome things I have ever read.

I love balls.

And did you know that girls are better at counting? Prove me wrong. Don’t read any comments, thats cheating.

Now get ready to see a wet bird fly at night.


Besties of this Weekzies

Lets move the hand bra down one; its been center of attention too long.  Here are a couple things I found that were neato burrito:

Sometimes its hard to get excited about going into caves, but the glowing worms of New Zealand looks pretty cool.

Is Robert Rodriguez serious about this?  Hobo with a Shotgun seems like a parody of a movie you would see on the Simpsons.

Stars Wars stuff gets me every time.  Winnie the Pooh/Star Wars

I know I am sometimes by myself with fascination of logos, but these are pretty cool.

Tuned Beer.  Easily create a drunken hipster version of a handbell choir.
