

Since I know most of you have NOT friended the Workaholics Facebook fan page, I’ll go ahead crack their newest eggs of knowledge.  Check out this omlette:

“The Season One DVD is now available for purchase! Add a ‘Shart Xing’ or ‘Free Karl’ t-shirt to your order to make your day even tighter butthole.”

I’m thinking Christmas gifts might be easy this year…. But wait.  You don’t even have to wait til Chistmas to see this gem:


Sly in Stereo

stinkstone is a blog that can go for a little bit of time without much that impresses me, then all of a sudden will have a couple amazing posts. A recent one, which falls into the amazing category, is from a side project called Soul-Sides/Sliced about the production behind Sly Stone’s Simple song. It is a quick article about his use of the left and right channels of stereo which includes an edited version of the song illustrating what they are talking about. The only other post in this side project dissects Cypress Hill’s “How I Could Just Kill A Man” (did you know it samples a Jimmy Hendrix song?).


The Screaming Eagle of Soul

The last post mentions how Charles Bradley has been well hyped already but I realized that I never posted anything about him on this blog.  He is backed by Daptone Records house band, the Menahan Street Band, some of the same guys that back Sharon Jones. Charles’ voice evokes the long road he has taken (according to his bio) to be where he is.  Though the full band behind him is great, this is the video that got me into him:
