

I’m using the power of the Bruce Blog for my own personal gain…I hope everyone is ok with that.  I am in need of some information involving Arnold Schwarzenegger.  I vaguely remember this from my youth but could swear that Arnie was involved in some sort of public service announcement.  It had to do with children’s health or perhaps eating a nutritional breakfast.  Now, I don’t think this was ever aired on TV, I think it was like a preview or something on VHS tapes.  I recall Arnold in the White House, standing in front of the presidential seal, talking to kids about donuts. Does anyone remember this?  I tried explaining it to a classmate but I think I lost him when I mentioned VHS…damn these kids today.  Why might I need this?  I’m doing a report/presentation on Childhood Obesity for my Health class and can’t think of a better way to earn an A than putting some Old School Arnold out there for all to see.  So my merry little band of web surfing freaks, I’m looking to you for answers.  Please help me on this search.   


IFC’s Greg the Bunny

Puppets.  How I love them.  Let me count the ways. 1. Grover, 2. Kermit, 3. Greg the Bunny.  While Jim Henson may have cornered the market on fun loving, kid friendly furries, Dan Milano takes it a step further with his ensemble of foul mouthed, alcohol soaked puppet pals.  Giving classic independent films a sometimes painful twist.  Excellent in the 15-20min episode increments, but a little much when you watch the whole season at once.  Pace yourselves comrades.


who’s bored at work?

ok, this activity will take you less than one minute, but will entertain you for exponentially longer…

step 1: go to google

step 2: type “find chuck norris”

step 3: hit i’m feeling lucky (instead of the google search button)

step 4: enjoy
