
Get The Maxx For the Minimum

Here a couple things to check out:  When the family plan got text messaging, Austin txt-ed as much as he could to prove that the family needed to have the unlimited plan.  But he was nowhere near 14,528 texties.  The Onion, that always has a bit of truth/commentary to their stories, wonders whether T.J. Maxx has been hit hard by the recession.  Come and see the mind’s eye work as a game for Mattel.  Fucking jedi mind shit.   See a neat video about people making soccer shoes for players.  I wonder if they have a video for the kids that make regular people’s shoes.  Finally, here are some hilarious ads like the one at the top of the post.  Via NotCot and PopCandy.


Crushing your head

I guess its pretty old.  Although I haven’t seen it before, so its new to me:


Berkeley Place Blog

I think I’ve mentioned this site before, but its worth another post.  Berkeley Place Blog is a great place to find artists that are not on a major label.  It has had some problems with web sheriff and is now very strict about what/who it posts about.  Anyway, music unrelated, it has a feature called Picture of the Day, with hilarious pictures like this:


Roddy Rod’s Appointment

Blag at a gay pride parade?
(pic via and the unblinking ear)
I get most of my political info from Maria, and this is no different.  A lot of people purchase plots before they die, but Illinois’ newest senator apparently already has his gravestone erected there with all of his achievements.  I’m sure that being the first African-American to be a SIU exchange student to the University of Hamburg Germany is great, but probably not gravestone great. I don’t know how this will affect him being a senator, but… another job well done, Rod.
