Get The Maxx For the Minimum

January 13, 2009 12:14 pm Published by

Here a couple things to check out:  When the family plan got text messaging, Austin txt-ed as much as he could to prove that the family needed to have the unlimited plan.  But he was nowhere near 14,528 texties.  The Onion, that always has a bit of truth/commentary to their stories, wonders whether T.J. Maxx has been hit hard by the recession.  Come and see the mind’s eye work as a game for Mattel.  Fucking jedi mind shit.   See a neat video about people making soccer shoes for players.  I wonder if they have a video for the kids that make regular people’s shoes.  Finally, here are some hilarious ads like the one at the top of the post.  Via NotCot and PopCandy.

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This post was written by Brian

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