
History and Violence!

As if the History Channel did not produce enough WWII documentaries. This new Quentin Tarantino film looks amazing. To be fair when Billy first showed me the trailor I was only half sold but now I am all for it.Also interesting to note the original movie.


Billy Boy On Poison

I heard about this band from Kiefer Sutherland. We’re tight.


Fat Beats For My Rhymes

Ya’ll heard about this?  Kevin mentioned that NPR ran a story about the most popular drum sample, but all I could find was this post.  Its kinda long but interesting.  The first ten minutes explain how a 6 second drum “break” from ’69 was so widely used in the age of sampling while the rest makes a good argument against current copyright law.

I’ve always enjoyed Tom Petty’s stance on infringement.  From an interview in Rolling Stone (which I also heard about from Kevin): “…I seriously doubt that there is any negative intent there. And a lot of rock & roll songs sound alike. Ask Chuck Berry. The Strokes took “American Girl” [for their song “Last Nite”], and I saw an interview with them where they actually admitted it. That made me laugh out loud. I was like, “OK, good for you.” It doesn’t bother me.”
