
fuck you, tom

ok, i know that was totally unnecessary — sorry — let’s move on.  tommy can no longer go on the bruce at work (however he still spends a large portion of the day looking at those damn lol cats), so he asked me to share this gem with you all:


Grilled Cheese Month

I don’t know where I could check this, but apparently April is National Grilled Cheese Month.  Via Pop Candy, a website called Serious Eats has some awesome ideas for celebration of this.  This post is mostly for Joan, also known as the Martha Stewart of Grilled Cheese; I hope that the Travers house can soon try some new grilled cheese creations.  Maybe something with white truffle, honey and comté?


M. Ward


Having previously discussed a love for She & Him, I am upset with myself for not listening to much of the “Him” portion of the band. And that wasn’t till just the other day when I heard the recording of M.Ward on Morning Comes Eclectic. One of the songs, called Fahey, took a few days to realize was the ice-cream truck song. Its tough to tell whether I like it or am just excited about ice-cream, Pavlov style. The original version of the song was written by one of Ward’s major influences, John Fahey, an amazing guitarist. Anyways, he has been on Morning Comes Eclectic and other radio like XRT because he has been promoting is new album “Hold Time,” which is worth checking out either at his myspace or at the Hype.


Louis C.K.

I do love the Netflix. I was a little dissapointed when I saw that pictures of a random plant from; I always thought that the plant was a little bit like Willy Wonka’s factory.

Next on the ol’ netflix queue is a dvd from comedian Louis C.K., who I recently discovered is fucking hilarious.  What sold me on getting a DVD from him was this video of him on Conan O’Brien.  I was going to wait till after I saw the standup to post something about it, but couldn’t wait after seeing these videos the other day on Funny or Die.  Here is my favorite:

Louis C.K. – Duck Vaginas – watch more funny videos

25th Anniversary Celebration.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the release of Ghostbusters. While I thought they might capitalize on the whole “1980’s were cool so we’re going to remake everything” fad (Transformers, G.I. Joe, etc.) and make a third movie reuniting the cast, as it turns out, I was only half-right. They got the cast together, but instead of a movie, they came up with this:

Will it be worth it? I’ll probably rent it, but movies-to-games don’t really turn out all that well. The Spiderman series was enjoyable, but that’s about as far as it goes.
