
Its time to play the music, its time to light the lights


I prepared for a recent road trip by downloading a bunch of free podcasts from itunes. One of them, Stuff You Should Know, is from an awesome site called The two in the podcast give an overview and talk about articles from the site. Me and Ellen listened to ones explaining hangovers and muppets.

The one about muppets is especially neato. And did you know there is actually a whole wikipedia for the muppets? You could get lost on that for a while.



This website hasn’t been the place where I/anyone alerts people about deals, but has a deal till the 14th for getting $25 gift certificates for $2. There are usually restrictions like not being able to use it on the weekends or having to spend twice the amount you buy. But its a cool way to eat a bunch of food at restaurants you haven’t tried before for cheap. Just use the discount code: FOUR. Check it out here.


Oscar Time!

Now that the summer blockbusters are over, movies are coming out that rely more on hilarity or tears rather than explosions or t&a. One example is Black Dynamite, which I may have mentioned before and is coming to Chicago this Friday. Another movie is Zombieland. Don’t wanna say too much about rather than you should just see it. And stay till after the credits. Here’s the red band trailer:

That song in the beginning of the trailer is pretty cool, right? Apparently it’s from a Johnny Cash Remix album. The concept doesn’t sound like something I would like, but the three songs I found at in ALL caps from it are really good. And if you like good songs being raped by remixers like I do, check out the remix of Mr Sandman from this scene is dead and Whip It.


Friday Stuff


Here are a couple things to brighten up your day.  Via Berkeley Place:

This dance video is for Ellen: I saw it at Bally’s and is one of those songs that is only good because the video is hilarious:

Marge Simpson is going to be on the cover and have a centerfold in Playboy.

Also via Pop Candy, For those who liked Shit My Dad Says, here is something that proves to be just as hilarious: Tracy Morgan Twitter: “my dickhead is shaped liked a darth vadar helmet. my dick is so fat it looks like r2d2.”
