
Rock-y Road!?!

On the topic of video games, lots of things have been going on in the Rock Band/Guitar Hero universe, for those who care:

  • There has been some controversy about the use of Kurt Cobain in the recent Guitar Hero 5. It’s not because he is a character you can play in the new game, but because he can be unlocked and used to play songs by other people, like Flavor Flav or Third Eye Blind. This has led to Courtney Love threatening to sue, Activision showing her signature on the contracts allowing it, and the rest of Nirvana and Nirvana fans being upset with both.
  • I was curious for the reasoning behind Lego Star Wars or Lego Indiana Jones, but Lego Rock Band? Really?
  • Have you heard of DJ Hero?  The controller and whole idea seems kinda ridiculous, but it would be interesting to hear some of the songs from the tracklist.  Considering how popular old classic rock songs became after they were featured in Guitar Hero, it would be funny to see if mixing and real dj-ing became more popular.  I can just imagine a the lunchroom/basement of a catholic grade school full of 12 year old club-heads and a spikey haired dj with two vinyl turntables and ski goggles for an Valentines dance.

And if all of this is too much for you, check out Rock Sellout for a mixtape of songs from a simpler time.


My fellow nerds and I will retire to the Nerdery with our calculators.

So according to Joan, I am bound to nerd it up in math college. Fact. The Undergraduate Library (or UG, if you’re cool) here has thousands of dvds, and I am currently making my way through the complete Law and Order: Baby Rape Unit. Also included is Mystery Science Theater 3000 collection. Brian and I realized that RiffTrax may actually ruin us for good movies, like Red Dawn. (RIP Swayze, I finally saw Dirty Dancing. Solid gold) So going back to these old sci-fi shitty movies should be good.

Outside of the media presented on this site, I’ve nerded out on some ok stuff. GeekStir shows the best cause I could find to get behind. Super Nintendo Wayne’s World review isn’t funny in substance, but worthwhile for the loops from the classic movie. Sidenote, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to take The Graduate seriously.

Collegehumor posted my pong students showing skills i taught them.

Here is the original picture of Neil. I did it in Microsoft Paint, so easy.



Fresh after a blog post about my lack of excitement about current television, we are knee deep in awesome television.  This is the time of the year when many shows come out on dvd and new seasons also start.  It’s kinda like Christmas for the lazy and lethargic.   And its also exciting time because its apparently the 20th season of Law & Order, which I didn’t know about till I saw this post about actors who appeared on the show before they got more famous.  I’ve been turned off of the show ever since Maria called SVU “that baby rape-er show” (and I realized how gross that show can get),  but it would great to find the shows with these actors in them.

…And did anyone else know (or care) that Capt. Cragen, the captain from SVU, was the captain on the original season of the show? Or that Chris Noth, Detective Logan, is in L&O: CI and the first season of L&O?

If you don’t care about L&O, then maybe this is more up your alley.  Christopher Cross and Michael McDonald doing Ride Like The Wind with the Roots! Via PopCandy.
