Do Ya… like psychedelic rock?

November 7, 2013 11:50 am Published by

The other day Xrt played this version of Do Ya that was slightly different than what I remembered hearing. After some internet-ing, it seems that, to accompany a 2012 solo/cover album, Jeff Lynne released “Very Best of ELO“, an album of ELO re-recording their hits.  If you have heard all the songs too many times before, this album is good listen for some slight variations, with Do Ya as my favorite:

With all that research, I read that Do Ya was originally written by Lynne for a band called The Move. I never heard of that version or the band. And they are great, but if you give them a listen be prepared for some classic psychedelia, one characteristic being long songs (all the songs on their “Live at the Fillmore” range from 5-14 minutes long). Check out this sick jam:

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This post was written by Brian

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