Categories for Science Facts

You Might Know…


Found this quiz called You Don’t Know Africa for identifying the countries of Africa. The names appearing as you hover over them felt a little like cheating, but very much needed for a few. If that doesn’t float your boat, then try doing Chicago neighborhoods. I did just as bad as I did on the Africa countries (fuck you, Brighton Park). You can even do the Indigenous Peoples and languages of Alaska, Nora. Maybe I would have done better at these if I regularly practiced like Joan does on the geography section of Sporcle.

Via Swiss Miss.


You Play Ball Like A Girl!

I probably posted this 100 Greatest Insults before; though its worth another watch even if I did.  Of course I am trying to think of ones that they missed, but all I can think is that there should have probably been more Denis Leary, Denis Farina and/or Robert Loggia.  Apparently there is even a sequel and, I was going to wait for another day for this, but I would probably forget: 100 Cheesiest Lines (which I think Austin or Kevin Staunton showed me). Here is that video:



Come on Andre 3000, come on. Sorry to keep bringing up covers; I thought I was done for a while too.

At least some people are honoring them/Paul instead.
