You Might Know…

November 27, 2013 10:31 am Published by


Found this quiz called You Don’t Know Africa for identifying the countries of Africa. The names appearing as you hover over them felt a little like cheating, but very much needed for a few. If that doesn’t float your boat, then try doing Chicago neighborhoods. I did just as bad as I did on the Africa countries (fuck you, Brighton Park). You can even do the Indigenous Peoples and languages of Alaska, Nora. Maybe I would have done better at these if I regularly practiced like Joan does on the geography section of Sporcle.

Via Swiss Miss.

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This post was written by Brian


  • Joan says:

    I LOVE Sporcle Geography!

  • Nora says:

    Well that was a terrible exercise in geography for me. They also did not include the region Bethel falls under in the first quiz so I gave myself the burden of being offended for all of the YK Delta.