A-Jax – New Favorite President

November 30, 2007 4:28 pm Published by

I was recently talking to someone about their favorite president and couldn’t really think of who mine would be.  Today, that question was answered with these posts.  If these are all true, then Andrew Jackson was a real badass (If you can look past having slaves, hating the indians, and some other trivial stuff).  I am not advocating deciding court cases with a pistol duel, but if the USA network has taught me anything (and it hasn’t), its that I love drama and action.  And the A-Jax Story is full of it.  El Santo at Rooktopia has done more research on this topic.

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This post was written by Brian


  • Rachel says:

    Our nation would be so much cooler if we still had giant wheels of cheese and bathtubs full of whiskey in the White House. Ah, the good ol’ days.

  • Nora says:

    I don’t even need to say anything about the barrel of the gun Brian almost as bad ass as Jackson.