How bout some Golden Girl fun facts?
November 29, 2007 4:32 pm
I know that of the few people that regularly read this blog, a Golden Girls post would have some fans.  I stumbled upon this Mental Floss post via Pop Candy and immediately thought of Kelly and Ellen’s fascination with this show.  Not much else to say about this except that I found it funny that they gave Estelle an excuse for being vulgar because she had a stroke that had “destroyed the part of her brain that acted as a censor.” Check it out here.
Categorised in: Random Posts
This post was written by Brian
1 Comment
brian, i am so glad to see something about my girls here… i always tell myself that i’m just going to check which episode is on at midnight and then get sucked into staying up til 1 because they’re all so good. damn you programming gods at lifetime.