Deoxyribonucleic Acid
March 21, 2008 4:51 pm       Thanks to a one Conrad Stonich I can remember what the acronym D.N. A. abbreviates but what the balls does that have to do with the Bruce? Well friend let me crack an egg of knowledge on you! While Brian is a lover of Hype Machine I have become an addict to Pandora a fantastic music website that plays god with your favorite music selections. Defined as “radio from the genome project” which essentially lets you type in a favorite artist, song, or album and POOF creates a personalized radio station with that band and others that match it containing the same musical elements. For example: on my first try I typed in the Detroit Cobras and for the entirety of this post has been listening too the Greenhornes, Tralala, Miss Derinnger, and Ronnie Spector all which have quite enjoyable. Obviously there is only one way to end this post… with a classic Stonich chemistry joke!
“How do you decipher between a boy d.n.a. and girl d.n.a? Anyone, anyone, anyone at all? Well you unzip their Genes!!!!”
(most likely only Ellen and Kelly will appreciate that)
Categorised in: Random Posts, Science Facts
This post was written by Nora
1 Comment
Sorry but once I saw the word DNA all I could think of was DINO DNA!