
Deoxyribonucleic Acid

        Thanks to a one Conrad Stonich I can remember what the acronym D.N. A. abbreviates but what the balls does that have to do with the Bruce? Well friend let me crack an egg of knowledge on you! While Brian is a lover of Hype Machine I have become an addict to Pandora a fantastic music website that plays god with your favorite music selections. Defined as “radio from the genome project” which essentially lets you type in a favorite artist, song, or album and POOF creates a personalized radio station with that band and others that match it containing the same musical elements. For example: on my first try I typed in the Detroit Cobras and for the entirety of this post has been listening too the Greenhornes, Tralala, Miss Derinnger, and Ronnie Spector all which have quite enjoyable. Obviously there is only one way to end this post… with a classic Stonich chemistry joke!

“How do you decipher between a boy d.n.a. and girl d.n.a? Anyone, anyone, anyone at all? Well you unzip their Genes!!!!”

(most likely only Ellen and Kelly will appreciate that)


Six Months Old, Look How Big We’ve Gotten!

Soo big

The Bruce Blog has been going strong for six months now.  Below I am showing the how many visitors that we have to the blog.  And to quote the disclaimer in the counter of our website: “This analysis summarizes multiple page views of an individual visitor into unique visits. A visitor is counted only when bringing up at least one page and taking no longer than 30 minutes between individual pages.” I am not sure if this means that 60 people are looking at this page a day, if it is only three people checking 20 times a day, or if it is people that do google searches and come up with our posts or images.

Here are the stats for February:
Feb Stats

And here is March:
mar stats


A Good Post for Good Friday

IKEA LampThat was sarcastic; this is just random info that I thought was worth mentioning. Via, there is a site called Instructables that with some nifty crafts/projects to check out like how to make a photobooth out of a digital camera and a printer or this lamp made from IKEA baby lamps.

Att adJoan might get a kick out of this: site for a group called the Billboard Liberation Front. I found my way there via seeing this humorous billboard.

Not sure why this is getting all the attention it is getting, but it is worth mentioning before your Grandma tells you how funny it is. is exactly what it says. They include things like #69 Mos Def, #75 Threatening to Move to Canada, #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People, #67 Standing Still at Concerts. An article of why its popular is here, if you wanna keep it going.
