See Deez Ads
February 26, 2009 1:29 pmIn an Advertising class I’m taking we viewed these ads and I deemed them share-able.
– This public service for Awareness really pulled a fast one on me.
– And this website is kind of hard to describe without ruining anything but make sure to check out the features of this phone and what it’s really about
Categorised in: Random Posts
This post was written by Neil
Drink the potion, Put me in motion, Use the lotion, Drain the ocean, Cause commotion, Fake devotion
Be Nova Scotian, Be Nova Scotian, Be Nova Scotian, Be Nova Scotian, Be Nova Scotian, Be Nova Scotian, Be Nova Scotian, Be Nova Scotian
Be Nova Scotian
There is no way that can be real. Also I’m sure the harmonica really through it over the top for you.
Brian what obscure cultural allusion is that now?