Facebook Funnies and a few cool things.
October 6, 2010 10:28 pmI know it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on here, but since I take advantage of all the things you guys seem to find, I figured I could contribute, albeit once in a great while.
Don’t remember how I found this, but this is what walls would look like if Facebook existed throughout history.
Secondly, and again without reference, I stumbled across the website for this cool contest where every year people contribute images of what the US Dollar bills would look like if they designed them. The Dollar Redesign Project has inspired some pretty cool ideas.
So, I was messing around on Cracked.com and found this article called “17 images you won’t believe aren’t photoshopped.” There are four parts to it, and some of the images really are neat to look at. That being said, two of my favorites that I thought you all might like are microphotography (taking pictures of things really really up close, like through a microscope), and rock balancing, which is pretty much what it sounds like. Google images results for both of these (microphotography and rock balancing) will yield some pretty cool pics.
Last but not least, I’m kind of into this song I’ve been listening to for about a month now. It’s called “For Me, For Us, For You” by a band called Paper City. Can’t dig up too much on them, but they’re available on iTunes and you can go to their Myspace page here.
Categorised in: Random Posts
This post was written by Matt
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