
November 1, 2010 12:35 pm Published by

From GeekStir.com:

“Abusive Fathers Kick Ass” and “Kill ’em all, let Rod sort em out” (with a picture of Rod Stewart) were t-shirts made by comic Brendon Walsh as heard on the recent Doug Loves Movies.

If you are looking for funny/thoughtful phrasings for yer Facebook status, check out FromUpNorth.com.

Patton Oswalt’s Twitter: “Tony the Tiger on L&O: SVU “She was rrrrrrrraped!” or Kyle Kinane’s Twitter: “Don’t say “Oh, you’ve got one in the oven” to a pregnant Jewish lady.” or “Porn blocked on my computer by the hotel? Man, are they going to get an eye-full at the continental breakfast tomorrow.

If anyone was interested in the signs from the Rally to Restore Sanity.

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This post was written by Brian

1 Comment

  • Nora says:

    My personal favorite was a sign written in Arabic. Underneath in parenthesis in English it said, “relax, it just says McDonalds”.  It was pretty awesome.