June 17, 2011 9:13 amCan’t find that much interesting stuff, so I thought I would do a bunch of stuff:
- Rob McElhenney gained 50 pounds. Not for any reason other than thinking it would be hilarious if Mac on It’s Always Sunny was now fat.
- Samuel Jackson singing Stack-O-Lee in Black Snake Moan is great, Sam Jackson reading a children’s book called “Go The Fuck To Sleep” is mind-blowing. Get it for free for a limited time from amazon/audible. A shark ate him.
- Did you know it isn’t Tom Hank’s voice on any of the Woody toys or games?
- I though this Ferris Bueller’s Last Day Off video was pretty funny.
- This site put up a collection of Weird Al polkas. Those polkas were my introduction to popular music.
- Disco saves lives: a weird PSA; weird like it should be the last sketch of a SNL.
- This is my new jam from Robyn. Maybe because the video reminds me of an awesome Darkness video (also has girlfriend in the title).
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This post was written by Brian
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