Sensory Overload
August 16, 2011 6:30 pmIt’s been a while since I’ve posted, and not wanting to feel guilty about reaping the benefits of the blog without contributing, I’ve amassed a bunch of tidbits to throw your way. As is my custom, I waited until I had a bunch of shit to talk about instead of posting regularly when I found something cool. The other problem is that most of the time I find something cool, it’s because I read about it on here. So thanks for that.
First of all, a while back I was talking to Brian about a little band called Vitamin String Quartet. Yes, they are a string quartet, but they pretty much just do rock/alternative covers. My personal favorite is their “You Shook Me All Night Long” cover.
Secondly (and this is where most of the shit I found cool came from), I went to the Wizard World Comic Con this weekend. It was pretty entertaining. Christopher Lloyd and the Delorean, Patrick Stewart, Lavar Burton, Lou Ferigno, and a shit ton of other celebrities were there. Amongst them were Sean Patrick Flannery, Norman Reedus, and David Della Rocco as well. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, I got in line and got a poster signed by all three of them, and they were great to talk to. While I had a moment with Sean, I said, “I have to ask man, is there going to be a third one?” He told me that there absolutely will be a third one, though nothing’s written yet. He and Norman are both busy filming at the moment, and the studio wants to rush it, but they said they’re waiting for it to get written and they would like to do a better job with this one than the second. So, you heard it here first: Boondock Saints III, due out in the next 2 to 3 years.
Also, I met a girl named Valerie Lapomme, who has her own website, Sexy Nerd Girl, it’s pretty neat, and worth a look.
Probably the biggest gold mine at the convention was the free screening of a movie that hasn’t come out yet. One of the guys who worked on Napolean Dynamite wrote a movie with his brother, and got John Gries (Uncle Rico) to play in the movie too. It’s called “Unicorn City”, and it’s pretty entertaining. It’s basically about a bunch of LARP’ers. The guy who plays the centuar and the chic who plays the halfling were at the convention to promote it. They both entered the costume contest, and when the centaur came onto the stage, he reached behind him, pulled out a beer from his costume/cooler/backside and chugged it. It was pretty sweet, and they were both pretty funny to talk to. I thought the movie was pretty fun to watch, and it should be out this fall/winter.
Categorised in: Random Posts
This post was written by Matt
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