Nerd Card is Back on the Table!
November 20, 2011 6:46 pmI am just going to run with this nerd theme for the time being. For your entertainment over Thanksgiving I have decided to avoid term papers by sharing with you all my recent go-to distractions from studying. Instead of actually writing my Africana Philosophy paper I decided to look into some books I had been discussing in passing with my professor.
The first is How the Irish Became White by Noel Ignatiev. A really good read and particularly interesting considering race in both the historic and philosophic context which in reality can’t be separated.
The second book is The Racial Contract by Charles Mill. Also coming from this class this book reexamines Social Contract Theory and race, conceptually and physically, in modern society.
Following the Irish thread from the first book, a few really good movies to check out from you local library because they certainly are not on Netflix Watch-It-Now I have already checked.
Some Mother’s Son which tells the story of two mothers living in Northern Ireland during the 1980’s specifically during the 1981 Hunger Strikes. One mother is an ardent INLA style mom who is active in violent resistance. The other mother is a more moderate teacher who seeks to remain distant from the violence. As both sons go on strike the mothers become closer friends. It is really good. Helen Mirren is awesome and David O’Hara is slightly less crazy than his most famous role.
The other movie is not as great but I watched it anyway and I liked it more for the story than the actual movie. It is about the Shankill Butchers and their leader Lenny Murphy. They were a fanatical group of Unionist paramilitaries who murdered innocent Catholics at random. None of the victims were in anyway found to be connected to the IRA, INLA, or other Republican paramilitary group.
Finally, I just started re-reading Trinity by Leon Uris. I am having a hard time imagining anyone in my family or the Travers’ has not read this but it is amazing. Conor Larkin is giving Aticus Finch a run for his money on my favorite literary characters list. If you haven’t read it yet… what are you waiting for?
Categorised in: Books
This post was written by Nora
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