It makes it easier to bear….
December 29, 2011 2:48 pmMore randoms:
- I find it funny when people want to talk about the possibility that George Washington (or any other historical figure) might be gay, but somehow am angry at the idea that Cary Grant might have been. (Via Hairpin/Carrie)
- Thought this wasn’t TBB worthy, but I keep laughing at DouchePug, so I probably should just put it up here. Enjoy Kelly.
- Not to be confused with my Sugarland fav, but Lada Gaga’s “Stuck on Fucking you” is pretty catchy.
- Lumi looks like all the fun of silkscreening without a huge mess of supplies. (Via NotCot)
- I forgot about how much I love Videogum’s end of the year collection of best viral videos. Watch this years. (also via Carrie)
- Check out these products of the year. (via DYT)
- These match sculptures are pretty awesome. (via DYT too)
Categorised in: Random Posts
This post was written by Brian
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