Spoken Like A True Asshole

October 31, 2013 7:44 am Published by

Lifehacker put up an interesting article called 10 Surprisingly Inspirational Quotes from Evil People. It is a little atypical type of post from that site; it seemed like a better fit as a list on Cracked.com alongside posts like “5 Creepy Urban Legends That Happen To Be True” or “8 Racist Costumes People Apparently Still Wear“.  But while it was a good read, it did contain a link to a hilarious article on the Atlantic website called “Who Said It, Adolf Hitler or Taylor Swift?” I guess some Pinterest user, who also goes by PoopCutie on Tumblr and Twitter, put up a quotes from Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, Joseph Stalin over a pictures of Taylor Swift and attributed them to her. As pinterest will do, the images got repinned a bunch of times, with many probably not realizing the joke.  So the Atlantic made a game out of it.  See how you do.

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This post was written by Brian

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