
April 2, 2014 12:22 am Published by

Was listening to an interesting interview with Jonah Keri, a sportswriter for Grantland and Baseball Tonight analyst. They talked about writing articles from more of a statistical perspective including season predictions. The simple stats of injured players can really lame out the story of the Boston Red Sox losing a 9 game lead over the Rays due to either “Beer, Chicken Wings, and Video Games” or the Great Pumpkin, Dan Johnson, being very clutch. But simple stats can make it easier to understand that there are reasons that the Rays games have horrible attendance like being mostly surrounded by water, the original owner causing problems and being a young team.

Another great stat resource I just heard about via the interview with it’s founder, Nate Silver, is I know some readers of this blog, mostly just Neil, love simple charts but not always all the analysis that goes with it, but the topics seem pretty interesting. Check it out.

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This post was written by Brian

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