Grey Album

March 7, 2020 9:01 am Published by

Another great tip from Mike for an entry into the Songs Not On Spotify series is The Grey Album. Not only did Danger Mouse only use samples from one album, but thematically matched the song to the sample. And some of the songs sound better than the original (sorry for that one, Rick).

If I remember correctly, Mike heard about this first, we immediately went to the record store and bought 3 copies of the promo (what was produced before the cease and desist was instated). We then opened one to listen to and create cdr copies of while keeping the other two sealed. I still hold hope that one day Uncle Mike will find our copies in his office basement.

I’m going to post the entire album as a YouTube playlist, because I can’t pick one (I think I’ve always listened to it straight through).

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This post was written by Brian

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