Categories for Random Posts

My debut. . .

Hello friends and social compatriots,

I have wanted to post on here for some time, but always managed to forget, not remember my password or convinced myself that whatever I found wasn’t funny enough.  The more time that past without posting, the more perfect the posting had to be.  I had developed a nasty case Brugblog anxiety. . . 

Then the stars aligned, God threw me a bone, or whatever the hell you believe in; but I found myself Minnesota for a wedding and that’s where I stumbled across Viva and Jerry Beck’s Country Videos.  Or maybe they found me on that cold evening; but it took only a few seconds of Jerry singing, “She was Closer to 90 than 19 years old,” and I was hooked.  Though this isn’t the same magical episode I saw, I am confident in saying this is quite simply the greatest television program ever.  I look forward to further researching and possibly corresponding with these two American treasures.


this goes out to the loddy doddy in the yellow shirt with the big titties

ok, so we all know my affliction for people watching, freak shows, knob jobs and  nerdfighters alike, and my uncanny ability to befriend (and then mock) them all.  and once again the internet has catered to my sick obsession. 

 DISCLAIMER: i appologize in advance to those that share my same affliction, and are doing something valid with their lives right now,  for the hours of time you will inevitablly spend clicking around on these rediculous blogs.


History and Jokes? What else could I ask for!

Some of you may or may not have noticed that the Kennelly family enjoys a good historically themed movie, historical family field trips, any type of reenactment, or really anything historically related. It may also be no surprise my completely healthy love for Russian history. Anyways this site quenches both my historical thirst and adds some quips for those not as interested in reading historical biographies… fools. This week is, whom I believe to be the most frightening historical figure, Rasputin. A crazy old mystic involved with the downfall of the Romanov inbred dynasty and even the spread of venereal disease throughout St. Petersburg.  The site also has multiple other people to check out at your will. But really who wouldn’t have nightmares about this man…


Open Pandora’s Box

A couple of years ago one of my buddies (and by buddies I mean people I’ve never met in real life but interact with on a regular basis through online gaming) sent me to  Go there, type in an artist’s name or song, and it creates a playlist of other artists and songs with “musical DNA” similar to your selection.  It starts off with your selection and then presents you with a pseudo-radio station that evolves from what you entered.  It’s good for two reasons.  You can have the mock radio station playing in the background when you’re in the mood from some ambient music and are worried that the Norah Jones folder in your iTunes might be abruptly followed by something from Metallica, and you might once in a while discover an artist that you’ve never heard of and might actually really like.  Or, if you’re Kevin, you’ll tell everyone to listen to them and then take all the credit when they blow up.

Again it’s


All The Hotties At The Party Feeling Naughty Shake Your Boobies Yeah.

It doesn’t take much to entertain me.  You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but the reason that is a saying is because we do.  I judge songs by their funny music videos, I listen to bands that have funny names, and I read blogs that have names like Winnie Cooper and put up pictures like this.  Sometimes, like in this case, it pays off.  The blog is has good posts and the song with the post is ok, but I really just wanted an excuse to post this photo up.  Its not as good as Kevin’s, but good.
