Categories for Political!

You Might Know…


Found this quiz called You Don’t Know Africa for identifying the countries of Africa. The names appearing as you hover over them felt a little like cheating, but very much needed for a few. If that doesn’t float your boat, then try doing Chicago neighborhoods. I did just as bad as I did on the Africa countries (fuck you, Brighton Park). You can even do the Indigenous Peoples and languages of Alaska, Nora. Maybe I would have done better at these if I regularly practiced like Joan does on the geography section of Sporcle.

Via Swiss Miss.


Spoken Like A True Asshole

Lifehacker put up an interesting article called 10 Surprisingly Inspirational Quotes from Evil People. It is a little atypical type of post from that site; it seemed like a better fit as a list on alongside posts like “5 Creepy Urban Legends That Happen To Be True” or “8 Racist Costumes People Apparently Still Wear“.  But while it was a good read, it did contain a link to a hilarious article on the Atlantic website called “Who Said It, Adolf Hitler or Taylor Swift?” I guess some Pinterest user, who also goes by PoopCutie on Tumblr and Twitter, put up a quotes from Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, Joseph Stalin over a pictures of Taylor Swift and attributed them to her. As pinterest will do, the images got repinned a bunch of times, with many probably not realizing the joke.  So the Atlantic made a game out of it.  See how you do.



In comparison to Leno, Kimmel’s man-on-the-street segment is much better than Jaywalking.  His New York Fashion Week video was entertaining and worth a watch, but the last one asking people about Obamacare vs. the Affordable Care Act was more upsetting than funny. Maybe I’m selfishly upset that this government shutdown is affecting my camping trip to a national park. Maybe I am upset that some people are so fame-hungry to be on tv despite not knowing what they are talking about.  Maybe I’m upset that people are forming staunch opinions based on little information.  Maybe I am upset at how people’s answers on this video seem to expose a racism against/for Obama (even if it was shot/edited that way).

Or maybe it is all of that.  I realize it may be a little too simplistic of a cause and effect, but it seems that a lot of ignorance and racism has caused the election of too many congressmen who would rather shut it all down than try to fix things or compromise.

Sorry to ruin this video if just wanted to laugh, but here it is:
