Categories for Random Posts


A while back, NPR had a story about a new urban “sport” called Parkour. It reminds me of when kids went skitching with their rollerblades on the back of cars. There are gyms that are popping up that help teach how to do it right, because if you keep watching more youtube videos, you will inevitably see many attempts at mastering the urban jungle but instead faceplanting.


Tom Wilson

Biff from Back to the Future apparently does standup.


Beauty is in the Eye of the Photoshop Owner

Dove has had an ad campaign about real beauty and distorted reality. Cute, True, whatever… I think I saw it on Oprah once too.

I got a kick out of a viral site, that parodied that commercial. Funnier, especially the guy getting a blowjob in the middle of it being apart of his destruction.

faithlessA better example of distorted reality can be seen over at Jezebel. The website got a hold of the original picture that was used on the cover before it was airbrushed/photoshopped. They have a bunch of examples there (like America Ferrerra and French president Nicolas Sarkozy), but not as good as this.mrscage

If you like that, check out Worth1000. Its a website holds contests in photoshop like changing the gender of male celebrities, putting presidents into movies, or turning things into water.


Deoxyribonucleic Acid

        Thanks to a one Conrad Stonich I can remember what the acronym D.N. A. abbreviates but what the balls does that have to do with the Bruce? Well friend let me crack an egg of knowledge on you! While Brian is a lover of Hype Machine I have become an addict to Pandora a fantastic music website that plays god with your favorite music selections. Defined as “radio from the genome project” which essentially lets you type in a favorite artist, song, or album and POOF creates a personalized radio station with that band and others that match it containing the same musical elements. For example: on my first try I typed in the Detroit Cobras and for the entirety of this post has been listening too the Greenhornes, Tralala, Miss Derinnger, and Ronnie Spector all which have quite enjoyable. Obviously there is only one way to end this post… with a classic Stonich chemistry joke!

“How do you decipher between a boy d.n.a. and girl d.n.a? Anyone, anyone, anyone at all? Well you unzip their Genes!!!!”

(most likely only Ellen and Kelly will appreciate that)
